Jacques Parizeau was a larger-than-life figure who had a profound impact on the history of Quebec. An economist by training, he was, in turn, a professor, a high-ranking civil servant and a statesman; Minister of Finance, and finally, Premier of Quebec. A graduate of HEC Montréal (where he subsequently taught), he furthered his higher education at the Institut d'études politiques (Sciences Po) de Paris and at the London School of Economics, where he was the very first Quebecer to obtain a PhD, before heading back home. Throughout his life, the education of future generations was a cause close to his heart.
One of the key standard-bearers of the Quiet Revolution, Jacques Parizeau was a pioneer in the construction of the modern Quebec social safety net which came to be known as the "Quebec model". In particular, he played a critical role in establishing key Quebec institutions that were among the most innovative of their time, like Hydro-Québec, the Régie des rentes and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.
Jacques Parizeau was simultaneously a major player in the development of Quebec’s economy and in the emergence of the "Québec Inc.", the province’s influential array of home-grown companies. This was accomplished by, among other initiatives, his creation of the Régime d'épargne-actions, his participation in the launching of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ and by founding the IRÉC (Institute for Research in Contemporary Economics). In short, Jacques Parizeau was a leading force in building the Quebec we know today.
To ensure that his memory will live on, through a commemorative monument to be located on the grounds of Quebec’s National Assembly, but also through support for the various causes he truly cared about, such as social development, arts and culture, the protection of the environment and access to education, Jacques Parizeau’s loved ones created this fund with the Foundation of Greater Montréal.