Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition

The Foundation of Greater Montréal is proud to launch the Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition. Its mission is to accelerate the fight against climate change, the development of adaptation and resilience, and the ecological transition in Greater Montréal. By pooling the philanthropic resources of the metropolitan region, we will be able to increase the funding available for foundational and innovative projects, notably in the field of climate change, greening and the protection of natural habitats. The Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition constitutes another major commitment on the part of FGM to the well-being of the population of Greater Montréal and to its future generations. Join the movement!

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The donation deposited in the Fund will be reduced by the transaction fee (between 2% and 3%). A Canadian tax receipt will be issued for any amount of 20$ and over. For now, only Canadian credit cards are accepted.

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