Fonds hommage de la Fondation des victimes du 6 décembre contre la violence

The December 6th Victims Foundation Against Violence was created in 1993, a few years after the antifeminist attack at Montréal’s École polytechnique, by victims’ family members and loved ones. Its goal is to support organizations combatting violence in our society, especially violence against women.

In 2005, in order to ensure the continuation of its mission, the December 6th Victims Foundation Against Violence decided to create a memorial fund at the Foundation of Greater Montréal.
It aims to defend and promote the respect for life and dignity of every human being by :
• commemorating the tragedy of December 6th, 1989;
• initiating actions against violence or by supporting any organization fighting against violence or helping its victims, focusing primarily on women;
• participating in or promoting research projects to better understand the phenomenon of violence as a whole.

In concrete terms, this has translated into financial support for organizations such as La rue des femmes, le Centre des femmes du Plateau Mont-Royal and the Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes.

Photo credit : Moment Factory

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