Anne Mcmurray
Is subscribed to :Register as an individual rider

Participant picture


A very generous donor agreed to sponsor each rider for $2000. How could I not participate. Any extra money would be great as well. Thanks Anne

Every donation is important. Please give generously.

Thank you!

Achieved : $2,275
Objective : $2,500


A very generous donor agreed to sponsor each rider for $2000. How could I not participate. Any extra money would be great as well. Thanks Anne

Every donation is important. Please give generously.

Thank you!


30-05-2024 $100
Marsha and Ardis
26-05-2024 $100
Linda Beamish
26-05-2024 $100
Jen and lars
25-05-2024 $100
Bev and Bill
25-05-2024 $100
Bob and Judy Snelgrove
25-05-2024 $150
Lucy and Steve
24-05-2024 $200
Nancy Vanderbaaren
24-05-2024 $100
Jacquie Pepper-Journal

As you say - love life

24-05-2024 $100
Rose Lalonde

You go girl!!

24-05-2024 $150
Jan and Jerry
24-05-2024 $1,000
Steve McMurray

great work for a great cause

23-05-2024 $75
Anne Mcmurray



Doing this

Hey anyone not already supporting this I am up for accepting donations.